Division of Psychology and Educational Science
Institute for Human and Social Sciences
National Defence Academy, Vienna

in cooperation with

Austrian Society for Medical Anthropology


Austrian Society for Organismic-Systemic Research and Theory

International Symposium
Consciousness, Personality, and Healing

June 03rd — 04th, 2011

Sala Terrena of the National Defence Academy, Vienna
AG Stiftgasse
1070 Wien, Stiftgasse 2a
[for location see Google maps]



Friday, June 03rd, 2011

15:00 Welcome and Opening
15:15 Günther Fleck: Systematic Self-Reflection as a Means for Personal Growth and Health
16:00 Rainer Born: Consciousness in Literature : Free Indirect Speech

Saturday, 04th, 2011

10:00 Éva Bányai: Hypnosis and Altered States of Consciousness in Healing Cancer Patients
10.45 Stanley Krippner: Trance and the Trickster.
Hypnotic-like Effects in Shamanic Healing Rituals

12:00-13:30 Lunch
13:30 Dagmar Eigner: Altered States of Consciousness in the Context of Traditional Healing in Nepal
(with documentary movie)
14:15 Katalin Varga Personalized Way to Reach the Consciousness of Critically Ill during Their Healing
15:00 Michael M. DelMonte: Consciousness and Healing : Eastern and Western Perspectives
15:45 Günther Fleck Closing Remarks


List of Speakers

Éva Bányai, PhD, Professor of Psychology
Institute of Psychology, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary

Rainer Born, PhD, Associate Professor of Philosophy of Science
Department of Philosophy and Theory of Science, Johannes Kepler University, Linz

Michael M. DelMonte, PhD, Principal Clinical Psychologist
. Patrick's University Hospital, Dublin, Rep. of Ireland

Dagmar Eigner, PhD, Clinical and Health Psychologist
Associate Professor of Medical Anthropology, Head of Research Unit of Medical Anthropology,
Department of History of Medicine, Medical University of Vienna

Günther Fleck, PhD, Clinical and Health Psychologist
Head of Division of Psychology and Educational Science, Institute for Human and Social Sciences, National Defence Academy, Vienna

Giselher Guttmann, PhD, Professor of Psychology
Head of Department of Neuroscientific Principles in Psychotherapy, Sigmund Freud University, Vienna
Unfortunately, the participation of Prof. Guttmann had to be cancelled by short notice

Stanley Krippner, PhD, Professor of Psychology
Saybrook University, San Francisco, USA

Katalin Varga, PhD, Associate Professor of Psychology
Head of the Center for Affective Psychology, Institute of Psychology, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary

Registration modalities

Advance registration compulsory, deadline May 30th, 2011:

by e-mail guenther.fleck@bmlvs.gv.at or by FAX +43 50201 10 17256

Free admission.

(No parking within premises)

